9th China (Beijing) Military Intelligent Technology Expo concludes

China Military Online
Huang Panyue
2024-05-21 17:41:06

The 9th China (Beijing) Military Intelligent Technology Expo is held in Beijing from May 17 to 19, 2024. (Photo by Wang Xin)

BEIJING, May 21 -- The 9th China (Beijing) Military Intelligent Technology Expo was held at China National Convention Center in Beijing from May 17 to 19. During the exhibition, experts and scholars discussed the development of intelligent technology and equipment such as low-altitude security system, and provided suggestions on building a "low-altitude sensing network for smart cities."

This expo, under the theme of "Future C2: Facing New Challenges in Complex Environments," was hosted by the Chinese Institute of Command and Control.

Experts believe that with the arrival of the low-altitude economic development boom, drone supervision and risk prevention need to be further strengthened. "Compared with traditional aircraft, drones feature 'low altitude, slow speed, and small target.' It is very difficult to manage and control the drones in complex urban environments." Therefore, the low-altitude sensing capabilities from the "aerial perspective" need to be upgraded. According to reports, city-level low-altitude smart sensing platforms have already been initially implemented in cities like Hangzhou, east China's Zhejiang Province.

Forums such as "Intelligent Command and Control" "Intelligent Planning Technology" and "Parallel Intelligent Command, Control and Management" were also held during this expo.

The exhibition area covers 35,000 square meters, with more than 2,600 exhibits from 546 units. Private enterprises account for 85 percent of the exhibitors. According to industry insiders,they will continue to accumulate the underlying technology of grid-based radio sensing, enhance domestic independent research and development and innovation capabilities, and build a "low-altitude sensing network" to protect and support the development of the low-altitude economy.

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