Chinese peacekeeping troops to Lebanon conduct nighttime defense drill

China Military Online
Chen Zhuo
2024-04-02 09:24:32

BEIJING, Apr. 2 -- The 22nd Chinese Peacekeeping Construction Engineering Company to the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) conducted a nighttime comprehensive camp security and defense drill from March 27 to 29, local time. The drill aimed to strengthen the security awareness of the peacekeepers and improve their emergency response capabilities.

The drill, which was conducted in a consecutive manner, included subjects such as camp defense, air raid defense, and field first aid.

After the drill, the contingent held a sum-up meeting to carry out quantitative evaluation of five items such as fast response support, field first aid and maneuverability, in a bid to refine the emergency defense operational plan.

Next, the contingent will continue to enhance the training on essential skills including individual tactics and field first aid under extreme conditions such as deteriorated security situation and resource deficiency, in a bid to get fully prepared for all kinds of contingencies.

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