America's further spying attempts in China bound to fail

Li Wei
2023-12-29 22:58:19

BEIJING, Dec. 29 (Xinhua) -- A recent media report showed Beijing has taken successful anti-surveillance moves that "vastly complicate (U.S.) spy operations" inside China. And in a jaw-dropping response, America not only had the brass to speak publicly about its dirty work, but even vowed to ramp up its spying push.

The informative report by The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) sheds light on the fact that spy operations -- which the United States frequently engages in -- have been compromised more and more often, even though the country has invested a lot in them.

America ranks first in the world when it comes to surveillance -- this is common knowledge. From China and Russia, to former German Chancellor Angela Merkel and a few French presidents, and even to United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, almost anyone can fall victim to U.S. tapping and surveillance, no matter whether they are considered a friend or foe by the United States.

With PRISM, Irritant Horn, Stellar Wind, Bvp47, the Hive and a whole bunch of other surveillance programs, the United States has woven an intricate worldwide surveillance network in its unremitting pursuit of global hegemony.

Perhaps one of the most vital pieces of evidence is its fanatic witch-hunt against China, which actually comes as no surprise. As the WSJ report noted, China has become "a much tougher intelligence target than it was a decade ago" due to its progress in and deployment of new technology.

In fact, the United States has blatantly suppressed a number of Chinese high-tech companies because they are a thorn in America's side for obstructing its worldwide surveillance operations. For example, America has banned products from Hikvision citing so-called "human rights concerns," but its trumped-up charges against the Chinese electrical equipment manufacturer have crumbled in the face of facts.

For a long time, America has been facilitating its own technologically top-notch cyber espionage activities in the world. But now it finds its army of hackers rendered ineffective, at least on China's soil.

China "obliterated" the U.S. human spy network a decade ago, and now America "is still struggling to rebuild its human espionage capabilities in China," accelerating a pivot after 2020 to "cut spending on counterterrorism and other targets, including in the Middle East, to fund expanded programs to penetrate China's government," said the WSJ report.

Such a debacle in China is definitely good news to those afflicted by America's stealthy cyber espionage.

China has been firmly safeguarding its sovereignty, security and development interests, with ever-improving means of modern technology. America's stronger spying push will only reinforce China's resolve to say no to bullying and protect its own rights and interests.

In its latest move against America's wrongful acts, China on Tuesday announced its decision to take countermeasures against the U.S. intelligence data company Kharon, which has long collected Xinjiang-related sensitive information and provided so-called "evidence" for America's illegal sanctions related to Xinjiang, as well as the two individuals involved.

A just cause enjoys abundant support while an unjust one finds little. America's obsession with perpetuating its global hegemony through cyber espionage is a futile attempt. If it continues down the wrong track, the United States will only elicit more outrage from other countries and isolate itself even more from the international community.

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