Unstoppable historical trend: "Taiwan Independence" doomed to be a dead end

China Military Online
Li Wei and Li Weichao
2024-05-24 16:18:03

By Jun Sheng

Lai Ching-te's recent so-called "inaugural speech" loudly propagates the "de jure independence of Taiwan" and "mutual non-subordination," refusing to acknowledge the 1992 Consensus which embodies the one-China principle. This self-proclaimed "manifesto for Taiwan independence," filled with odors of "independence" and "poison", has faced strong criticism from various parties in recent days.

The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Eastern Theater Command organized its troops of army, navy, air force and rocket force to conduct joint military drills code-named Joint Sword-2024A surrounding the island of Taiwan from May 23 to 24. The drills mainly focus on subjects of joint sea-air combat-readiness patrol, joint seizure of comprehensive battlefield control, and joint precision strikes on key targets.

During the drills, vessels and planes will conduct closing-in combat patrols around the island of Taiwan and carry out integrated operations inside and outside the island chain, in a bid to test the joint operations capabilities of the theater command's troops. The drills also serve as a strong punishment for the separatist acts of "Taiwan independence" forces and a stern warning against the interference and provocation by external forces. The drills are fully in line with international law and practice, and are completely legitimate and necessary.

The distance of the Strait cannot sever the bond of kinship between compatriots from across the Strait. The difference in political systems does not alter the reality that both sides of the Strait belong to one China and one nation. External interference cannot hold back the historical trend of national reunification, and all Chinese on both sides of the Strait have come down in one continuous line, acted in solidarity, and reached out to each other in adversity throughout history. It is peace, not war; development, not regression; interactions, not separation; and cooperation, not confrontation that represents the strong desires of compatriots on both sides.

However, all these prevailing desires are disregarded by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities. They resort to numerous blatant lies to create information cocoons on the island of Taiwan and smear the mainland. By employing malicious "anti-China" clauses, they foster a climate of fear that obstructs cross-Strait exchanges and cooperation. By transferring the supply chain time and again, they aim to sell out and undermine the interests of Taiwan compatriots and the Chinese nation to show loyalty to the west. Through astonishing military procurements, they position themselves as vanguards appeasing external forces with attempts to contain China.

Lai Ching-te, who has been stubbornly adhering to the "Taiwan independence" position and willingly acting as a "pawn" for external forces, has become more "independent" than ever. For many years, he has blatantly ignored the historical context of the Taiwan question and turned a blind eye to the reality of the common ancestry and origin of both sides of the Strait. His so-called "inaugural speech" this time, featuring extreme arrogance and more radical positions, aims to sell the "two states theory" and legitimize "Taiwan independence".

This clearly reveals his delusion of forcibly tying Taiwan people to the "Taiwan independence chariot" with reckless abandon to jeopardously test the bottom lines and red lines. The facts fully prove that stubborn "Taiwan independence" separatists like Lai Ching-te, no matter how they deceive and mislead the world with their rhetoric, ultimately express false goodwill while genuinely provoking confrontation; they falsely claim to promote communication while actively blocking connections; they feign a pursuit of peace while actually creating division. In essence, these hypocritical separatists are the real disruptors of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and in the region.

Reunification is the unstoppable trend of history, and "Taiwan independence" is doomed to be a dead end. Stubborn "Taiwan independence" separatists like Lai Ching-te, who distort facts, go against historical trends, recklessly undermine peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait for their own selfish desires, and drag Taiwan into peril, must be resolutely cracked down on in ways they understand. No space or opportunity should be left for any form of separatist words and deeds. Each time the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces stir up trouble, our efforts to defend the one-China principle will be strengthened.

For thousands of years, the Chinese nation and its civilization have survived and thrived through vicissitudes and hardships. The key is that the Chinese nation always holds the common belief that the homeland cannot be divided, the country cannot be destabilized, its ethnic groups cannot be separated, and its civilization cannot be disrupted. A strong and unified country has always been the pillar upon which the future of all the Chinese people, including compatriots in Taiwan, depends.  For safeguarding the greater national interests, the Chinese people have a firm sense of purpose, fortitude, and self-belief that we cannot be swayed by fallacies, deterred by intimidation, or cowed by pressure, and a unified resolve that is fortified by solidarity. More importantly, we have full capabilities to resolutely defend China's sovereignty and national dignity.

The PLA, as a pillar of strength highly trusted by the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Chinese people, and a powerful force for maintaining regional and global peace, maintains a high level of vigilance, crisis awareness, and combat readiness all the time. To effectively fulfill its mission in the new era, the PLA has constantly strengthened its comprehensive training and war-preparedness, thus forging stronger capabilities and more reliable means to defend national sovereignty, security, and development interests. The PLA will not tolerate or condone any "Taiwan independence" separatist activities or external provocations. At all times, the Chinese military is ready to answer the call of the Party and the people, determined to accomplish the missions entrusted to it. No force will be allowed to split Taiwan from China in any way or any name.

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