Manila's provocations in South China Sea doomed to fail

China Military Online
Li Weichao
2024-08-20 19:14:07

The Philippine Coast Guard ships MRRV-4410 and MMRV-4411 on Monday illegally intruded into waters adjacent to Xianbin Jiao (also known as Xianbin Reef) of China's Nansha Qundao (also known as Nansha Islands). In particular, the MRRV-4410 ignored repeated stern warnings from the Chinese side and intentionally rammed into the CCG Vessel 21551 that was conducting normal rights-safeguarding and law enforcement activities, resulting in a minor collision for which the Philippine side should bear full responsibility. After its attempt to illegally intrude into waters adjacent to Xianbin Jiao was blocked, the MRRV-4410 again illegally intruded into waters adjacent to Ren'ai Jiao (also known as Ren'ai Reef) of China's Nansha Qundao, ignoring repeated warnings and route restrictions by the Chinese side. The CCG took restrictive measures on the Philippine ship's provocations and escalation in accordance with the law and regulations.

China's countermeasures are legitimate and rational. China has indisputable sovereignty over the NanhaiZhudao (South China Sea islands) and its adjacent waters and therefore the sovereign rights and jurisdiction over relevant waters. This is China's consistent position and a fact known to all. Previously, the Philippine vessel 9701 intruded into the lagoon of Xianbin Jiao without China's permission and has illegally stayed there for a long time, which seriously violated China's sovereignty. The Chinese side has lodged stern representations to the Philippine side through diplomatic channels, demanding it immediately stop the intrusion and withdraw all its vessels. Now, the Philippines sent coast guard vessels to intrude into the waters of Xianbin Jiao in an attempt to send supplies to the vessel anchoring in the lagoon and seek long-term presence there. The firm and forceful countermeasures by CCG vessels are an act of justice safeguarding China's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests. They are totally legitimate, justified, and rational.

Manila's provocations in the South China Sea are doomed to fail. In the past, the Philippine side has maliciously hyped up CCG vessels' normal activities at Xianbin Jiao over and over, claiming their intrusion was aimed to stop China's reclamation and island-making activities in the region. What's more, the Philippine side even falsely criticized China for stopping its provision of supplies to the illegally grounded vessel on "humanitarian" grounds, trying to create the impression of China bullying a small country and destroying peace by force in the international community, and thus justifying its intrusions and provocations by calling the white black.

The international community sees clearly what is really going on. It is the Philippines that is upholding the illegal award issued by the tribunal governing the so-called South China Sea arbitration case, in the attempt to make illegal territorial claims through a domestic law; it is the Philippines that is breaking faith by violating its own commitment and the consensus with China; it is the Philippines that is ganging up with external forces harboring ulterior motives to make provocations in the South China Sea; and it is still the Philippines that is spreading disinformation about China, trying to mislead the international community and smear China's international image. Now it is also the Philippines that is playing the victim to gain international sympathy. The farce staged and directed by the Philippines only makes it a laughing stock and is doomed to fail.

China always upholds the neighborhood diplomacy of building strong relations with its neighbors based on amity, sincerity, mutual benefit, and inclusiveness. In consideration ofthe peace and stability of the South China Sea and the overall relations between China and the Philippines, China used to exercise utmost restraint and patience on disputes with the Philippine side and maintained close communication with it on multiple levels and through multiple channels. However, turning a blind eye to such goodwill and sincerity from China, Manila has kept making provocations, not only violating the interim arrangements agreed upon by both sides on the provision of living supplies to the illegally grounded Philippine vessel at Ren'ai Jiao but also sending vessels and aircraft to intrude into sea areas and airspace around China's islands and reefs in the South China Sea. What's worse, Manila has even gone so far as to willingly act as a pawn for external forces that wish nothing but chaos and tension for the South China Sea. Its bootlicking behavior is condemned by regional countries.

We want to once again solemnly warn the Philippine side to stop the intrusions and provocations immediately and come back to the right track of negotiation and consultation at an early date. The Chinese side will stay on high alert and take all necessary measures to resolutely foil the Philippine side's attempt to escalate the situation, roil the waters in the South China Sea, and safeguard our territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests. If Manila insists on "playing fire", China will fight back with powerful countermeasures.

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