What China hasn't done to the world in the past 75 years?

China Military Online
Li Jiayao
2024-10-01 23:02:05

By Jiang Xinyu

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. In the past 75 years, the world has undergone tremendous changes, China has seen significant development, and China's relationship with the world has experienced dramatic adjustment. China has brought peace, development, and cooperation to the world.

"A wise man knows what to or not to do." The maxim left by Chinese philosopher Confucius serves not only as a code of conduct for the Chinese people but also guides China's actions when engaging with the world. While we recognize China's contributions to the world, it is important to ask what China has not done to it.

China has never exported war to the world.

When the world was overshadowed by the clouds of the Cold War after WWII, China proposed the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence in response to the call of the times for peace and development. It has adhered to an independent foreign policy, taken active steps to achieve peaceful coexistence with other countries, and tried hard to improve its external environment, particularly in its immediate neighborhood.

Unlike Western countries, China's development is defined by peace – as a super-large-scale country, it has achieved peaceful development without ever initiating a single war of aggression against or plundering any resources from other countries.

China has consistently upheld the concept of "partnership over alliance" in its foreign relations. Alliances are exclusive groups focused on political and military cooperation against a common foe, whereas "partnership" is focused on making friends. China believes that major countries should compete in the speed of making friends rather than seeking foes.

While China has a strong military, it prefers to settle disputes through dialogue and consultation. When dealing with regional conflicts, it always stands on the side of peace and dialogue, condemning all violence targeted at civilians and providing humanitarian assistance within its capacity to countries suffering in war.

China has never exported terrorism to the world.

Currently, religious extremism has become the spiritual core of international terrorist organizations. As a unified country with numerous ethnic groups, the Chinese government implements an ethnic policy featuring equality, unity, and mutual assistance. It respects and protects the freedom of religious belief and the customs of minority groups, builds positive and healthy religious relations, and maintains harmony among different religions and social communities, so as to unite both religious believers and non-believers to the largest extent.

China has adopted multi-layered and multi-dimensional measures to combat terrorism, including enhancing domestic security and promoting social governance and information construction. It has severely cracked down on terrorist activities and cut off their funding sources to eradicate the breeding ground for terrorism.

Moreover, China has actively participated in international counter-terrorism cooperation in the endeavor for joint global governance. Within multilateral frameworks such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, China has signed counter-terrorism agreements and strengthened information sharing and cooperation with other countries, which not only heightens their vigilance against terrorism but provides robust support for preventing and combating terrorist activities.

China has never exercised hegemonism or power politics in the world.

In today's international political arena, hegemonism and power politics are still commonly seen, but China as a major country has never exercised them on other countries, nor has it ever engaged with other countries from "the position of strength". Instead, it advocates equality, mutual benefit, and win-win cooperation.

China upholds multilateralism and calls for resolving disputes through dialogue. It plays an active role in international organizations such as the United Nations to push the improvement of global governance mechanisms, and participates in international affairs in a constructive attitude, opposing any unilateral actions. Through multilateral cooperation platforms like the Belt and Road Initiative, it has established close economic ties with many countries, reflecting respect and equality and promoting regional and global economic development.

China's foreign policy is centered on peace and development. It upholds the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries and mutual respect and understanding among nations. This diplomatic philosophy has helped maintain regional and global peace and stability and won China widespread support in the international community.

China has never violated international rules.

As a signatory and participant in various important international treaties, China has never shirked its responsibilities as a major country, nor has it ever torn off treaties or withdrawn from international organizations. Rather, it always actively and efficiently fulfills its responsibilities, living up to its status as a major country.

Being the first country to sign the Charter of the United Nations, China has always adhered to its purposes and principles, endorsed and maintained the authority and role of the UN, actively participated in UN peacekeeping operations, and supported the UN in playing a central role in international affairs.

China has also played an active part in implementing the Paris Agreement. Its solemn commitment to “striving to bring its carbon emissions to a peak before 2030 and become carbon-neutral before 2060” shows its leadership and sense of responsibility in global climate governance.

The world today is facing both opportunities and hopes as well as variables and challenges. Seventy-five years is only a prologue. In the future, China will more responsibly face the opportunities and challenges in solidarity and cooperation with the rest of the world, making united efforts to build a community with a shared future for mankind and create a better world for all.

Editor's note: Originally published on china.com.cn, this article is translated from Chinese into English and edited by the China Military Online. The information and opinions in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of eng.chinamil.com.cn.

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