Regular Press Conference of the Ministry of National Defense on June 27

Ministry of National Defense
Li Jiayao
2024-07-04 20:00:25

By Senior Colonel Wu Qian, Director General of the Information Office of the Ministry of National Defense (MND) and Spokesperson for the MND

Senior Colonel Wu Qian, spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense (MND) of the People's Republic of China (PRC), releases news at a regular press conference on the afternoon of June 27, 2024. ( by Sun Yue)

(The following English text of the press conference is for reference. In case of any divergence of interpretation, the Chinese text shall prevail.)

Wu Qian: Friends from the media, good afternoon! Welcome to this month's regular press conference of the Ministry of National Defense.

Wu Qian: I have a piece of news to announce at the top. At the invitation of the Belarusian Ministry of Defense, the PLA Guard of Honor will send a contingent to Belarus to participate in the Minsk Independence Day Parade that celebrates the 80th anniversary of the country's liberation on July 3rd. The contingent is currently conducting adaptive training in Minsk.

China and Belarus are all-weather comprehensive strategic partners. The PLA Guard of Honor was invited to Belarus twice, in 2018 and 2019, to participate in the parade.

Question: It is reported that CMC Political Work Conference was recently held in Yan'an City. President Xi Jinping attended the meeting and delivered an important speech, emphasizing that implementing the policy to enhance political loyalty of the armed forces in the new era lays a solid political foundation for building a strong military. Please brief us more on the significance of the conference and the specific measures taken by the PLA to implement the guiding principles of the conference.

Wu Qian: The CMC Political Work Conference is another milestone on the new journey in the new era following the Gutian Military Political Work Conference. Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the conference puts emphasis on thoroughly implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Strengthening the Military, delivering on strategic arrangements of full and rigorous Party and military governance, carrying forward the spirit of self-reform, stepping up political education, and solving major issues facing the Party in developing and disciplining the military on the new journey in the new era from theoretical, political and organizational perspectives. The important speech made by President Xi provides sound guidance of action for enhancing political loyalty of the military in the new era, and elevates the Party's understanding of developing, governing and strengthening the military to a new height. This conference is of profound and far-reaching significance for opening up new prospects in strengthening political loyalty of the military, forging a stronger heroic military, and unifying the PLA to take critical steps to achieve its centenary goal and build itself into a world-class military.

The PLA will make studying, publicizing and implementing the guiding principles of the CMC Military Political Work Conference a major political task in the current and upcoming periods. We will prioritize comprehensiveness and accuracy in studying and internalizing the important speech of President Xi, make solid efforts in the study, education and publicity of the guiding principles laid out in the conference and dedicate ourselves to solving deep-seated problems in bolstering political loyalty of the military. With continuous efforts to shore up the faith of unity and a focus on the main responsibility of the military in improving combat readiness, we will firmly promote full and rigorous Party and military governance and cultivate talents to serve the building of a strong military. In political work, we will uphold fundamental principles and break new grounds to strengthen the military by boosting its political loyalty.

Question: Since the beginning of this year, the PLA has put emphasis on realistic training. Please give us more information about the features and highlights of military training in the first half of this year.

Wu Qian: Since the beginning of this year, with a focus on achieving its centenary goal and improving combat readiness, the PLA has vigorously advanced training in a systematic approach, with technological application and through military skill contests, to make steady progress in realistic training and combat capabilities. Firstly,we have consolidated the foundation for training. By conducting specialized teaching, integrated training, simulation training, and standardized assessment, the military has striven for new transformation and development of basic training to lay the foundation for fighting and winning wars. Secondly, we have strengthened realistic training for real combat. Realistic training is more frequently carried out in the open sea, on plateaus, in alpine regions, deserts and forests and on difficult and complex subjects and under extreme conditions for greater effectiveness. Thirdly, we have improved training with technological application. Quality and efficacy of military training were enhanced with innovative training methods including "technology+", "scientist+", and "cyber+", integration of new equipment and forces into the training system and wider use of training bases, simulation systems and online platforms. Fourthly, we have bolstered exchanges with foreign militaries on military training. Joint military exercises and training and international military games including "Steppe Partner", "Falcon Shield" and "Sayan Range March" are organized to continuously step up communication and deepen mutual trust with foreign militaries and upgrade international cooperation on military training.

Senior Colonel Wu Qian, spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense (MND) of the People's Republic of China (PRC), answers reporters' questions at a regular press conference on the afternoon of June 27, 2024. ( by Zhang Zhicheng)

Question: Recently, heavy rainfall hit South China, causing floods and geological disasters. The People's Liberation Army (PLA), the People's Armed Police Force (PAP) and militias conducted disaster relief operations in multiple affected regions. Please give us more details on the military's support to local flood relief efforts.

Wu Qian: Recently, heavy rainfall hit southern China, leading to floods and geological disasters and causing casualties and property losses. President Xi has given this his full attention and made important instructions, commanding the military to spare no effort in the flood control and disaster relief work and minimize losses from disasters. When a disaster happens, a command is issued. Military units at all levels resolutely implemented President Xi's important instructions, reacted swiftly to orders and fought around the clock to support local flood relief operations. As of June 26th, the PLA, the PAP and militias have all together deployed 6,268 service members and 13,926 militia personnel, 1215 sets of engineering equipment and 131 boats. They assisted in relocation of affected people, levee reinforcement, road clearing, and supply transportation, playing an important role in the flood control and disaster relief operation.

The Chinese military firmly follows the instructions made by President Xi Jinping, earnestly delivers on the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, stays prepared to support local disaster relief operations, and will resolutely fulfill all kinds of tasks entrusted by the Party and the people.

Question: It's reported that the Ministry of National Defense is hosting a seminar for senior military officers from Arab States. What is the seminar about? And will it be held again in the future?

Wu Qian: The seminar for senior military officers from Arab States is going on in China. More than 20 officers from 13 Arab countries including Egypt, Jordan and the UAE attended the event. Under the theme of "Future-oriented China-Arab Security Cooperation", the seminar is aimed at implementing the outcomes of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum, deepening defense cooperation between China and Arab countries and promoting a China-Arab community with a shared future. It includes lectures on topics including China's foreign policy and China-Arab relations in the new era, China-Arab security cooperation and the Global Security Initiative, and special sessions on "specific pathways to deeper China-Arab security cooperation". The participants will pay visit to cities including Beijing, Yinchuan, Hangzhou and Shanghai.

The Chinese military and militaries of Arab countries are important forces for world peace and stability. In recent years, China-Arab military relations have witnessed a rapid and healthy growth with extensive, substantive and productive cooperation. The Chinese military is ready to work alongside militaries of Arab nations to deliver on the Global Security Initiative, deepen strategic mutual trust, expand cooperation in areas including exchanges between services and arms, joint exercises and personnel training, so as to build a China-Arab community with a shared future in the new era.

Question: Commander of the US Indo-Pacific Command said that the US military has a plan called "hellscape" to turn the Taiwan Strait into an unmanned hell using a swarm of unmanned aerial vehicles, surface vessels and underwater systems in response to "attacks from the Chinese mainland". The US Naval News website also detailed the plan recently. What's your comment on this?

Wu Qian: Those who clamor for turning others' homeland into hell should get ready for burning in hell themselves. In order to contain China with Taiwan, some individuals in the US are making crazy and inhumane plans to turn the Taiwan Strait into a hell. This once again shows that the separatists who are delusional about using US support for "Taiwan independence" will ultimately be abandoned as a useless pawn.

Taiwan belongs to China and China brooks no division. The PLA is able to fight and win in thwarting external interference and safeguarding our national sovereignty and territorial integrity. Threats and intimidation never work on us.

Senior Colonel Wu Qian, spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense (MND) of the People's Republic of China (PRC), answers reporters' questions at a regular press conference on the afternoon of June 27, 2024. ( by Sun Yue)

Question: Commander of the US Marine Corps stated in an interview on June 21st that the US Marine Corps plans to deploy to Guam a small-unit "Marine Littoral Regiment" capable of a flexible and rapid response "in a few years" as a "counter to PRC aggression" and to protect allies including Japan and the Philippines. Do you have any comments on this?

Wu Qian: The US uses the non-existent "China threat" as a pretext to advance its forward deployment of military assets in the Asia-Pacific, provoking antagonism and confrontation and escalating tensions. We are firmly opposed to this. We Chinese people do not provoke troubles, but we never flinch when trouble comes our way. We will not attack unless we are attacked, but we will surely counterattack if attacked.

Question: At the centennial celebrations for the Whampoa Military Academy in Taiwan, Lai Ching-te, leader of the Taiwan region, claimed that he does not accept the idea of "the first battle is the final battle", and the biggest challenge for Taiwan's troops is the Chinese mainland aiming for "Taiwan's annexation and the elimination of the Republic of China". He also touted on many occasions absurd narratives in support of "Taiwan independence" such as "the two sides of the Taiwan Strait are not subordinate to each other." What's your comment, please?

Wu Qian: The Whampoa Military Academy is a historical memory in the heart of all Chinese people and a witness to the arduous journey of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Guided by the patriotic and revolutionary Whampoa Spirit, graduates of the academy have a glorious tradition of dedicating themselves to patriotism and revolution, and are an important force for national reunification and rejuvenation. Lai Ching-te and his like who attempt to falsify history and split our nation will surely be condemned by history and punished by law.

There is but one China in the world and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory. The government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China. The one-China principle is a prevailing consensus in the international community. No matter how the DPP authorities try to distort or deny it, this basic fact will not change, nor will the family bonds between compatriots on the two sides of the Taiwan Strait be severed. It needs to be emphasized that each time "Taiwan independence" separatists make provocations, they will be responded with stronger countermeasures from the PLA. These responses will pave the way for the resolution of the Taiwan question. For the PLA, defeating military elements of the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces is like shooting fish in a barrel.

Question: It's reported that Taiwan's troops will conduct the live-fire segment of the Han Kuang-40 exercise from July 22nd to 26th. The defense authorities of Taiwan said that this year's Han Kuang-40 exercise will not be as "spectacular" as previous ones because the component of firepower demonstration for leaders of the Taiwan region is canceled and more focus will be given to simulating real war. A senior official of the Taiwan troops said that it's a major change made this year under the continuous requirements of the US side. What's your comment?

Wu Qian: The DPP authorities stages the so-called "Han Kuang exercise" every year, but no matter how many shows it makes, the destiny of destruction for "Taiwan independence" separatists will not change.

Question: I have two questions. The first one is that the Philippine military said that vessels of the China Coast Guard rammed Philippine ships on a resupply mission to Ren'ai Jiao, which left a Filipino sailor injured. Officials of the US Department of State and Department of Defense accused the Chinese side of denying the Philippines from executing resupply missions and said that the US commitment to the Mutual Defense Treaty with the Philippines is ironclad. At the same time, we have also noticed that a former official of the US Marine Corps said publicly that the US is using the Philippines as a tool against China and it will discard the Philippines when there is nothing left. Do you have any comment? Second, it's reported that the RIMPAC-2024 exercise started from June 27, and one of its highlights will be a live-fire drill to sink a 40,000-ton target ship. Some foreign media outlets believe that this exercise is preparing the US and its allies for China's potential attack on Taiwan with amphibious assault ships. What's your comment?

Wu Qian: Nansha Qundao including Ren'ai Jiao is China's inherent territory, which is fully backed by historical and jurisprudential basis. The Philippine side recently broke its promises and sent ships into waters adjacent to Ren'ai Jiao multiple times to transport construction materials, weapons and ammunitions to its illegally grounded warship. This is the direct reason of an escalation of the situation. In particular, on June 17th, the Philippine side deliberately rammed Chinese vessels in a dangerous way and threw rocks at Chinese personnel. Relevant behaviors violate international law, endanger crews and ships of the two sides and undermine regional peace and stability. Facing infringements and provocation made by the Philippine side, the Chinese side has every reason to take law enforcement measures, which is completely legitimate, lawful and professional.

I want to emphasize that the Ren'ai Jiao issue has nothing to do with the US. It's very dangerous and extremely irresponsible for the US to encourage and support the Philippines in infringements and provocative actions. And it's no use to threaten the Chinese side with the US-Philippine Mutual Defense Treaty.

Regarding the remarks made by the former US military official about "the Philippines is a tool", I think the international community will have a fair judgment on this. Looking back at history, the Saigon moment and the Fall of Kabul both remind me of a saying by the late Henry Kissinger, and here I quote, "Being America's enemy may be dangerous, but being America's friend is fatal."

On your second question, Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory, resolving the Taiwan question is an internal affair for over 1.4 billion Chinese people, which brooks no foreign interference. The US attempts to intimidate China with its military exercises, which is an impossible mission.

Senior Colonel Wu Qian, spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense (MND) of the People's Republic of China (PRC), answers reporters' questions at a regular press conference on the afternoon of June 27, 2024. ( by Zhang Zhicheng)

Question: The G7 Apulia Leaders' Communiqué issued by the lately concluded G7 Summit expressed deep concern at China's support to Russia and called on China to cease the transfer of dual-use materials to Russia's defense sector. Do you have any comment on this?

Wu Qian: There are statistics which show that over 60% of Russia's imports of weapon components and dual-use articles come from the US and other western countries. Such behavior of maintaining trade ties with Russia while disrupting normal cooperation between China and Russia is extremely hypocritical. Instead of reflecting upon their roles in the Ukraine Crisis, the US and other western countries attempted to deflect blame onto China from time to time. We firmly oppose this and will never accept being the scapegoat. The Chinese side stays committed to normal economic and trade exchanges, on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, with other countries in the world including Russia. We will not provide lethal weapons to any parties to the conflict and will put strict control over the export of dual-use items. The Chinese side always stands with peace and stands on the right side of history. We firmly oppose unfounded accusations in disregard of facts and will continue to play a constructive role in pursuing a political settlement of the Ukraine Crisis.

Question: According to reports, the Japanese government has released a draft plan to evacuate residents of Okinawa prefecture and Sakishima islands to Kyushu and Yamaguchi prefectures. Some analysts believe that Japan's evacuation plan aims to cope with the so-called "Taiwan contingency". Not long ago, Chinese Ambassador to Japan said that if Japan ties itself onto the chariot of splitting China, its people will be led into a fire pit. What's your comment on this?

Wu Qian: Taiwan is China's Taiwan and the Taiwan question has nothing to do with Japan. The Taiwan question is at the core of China's core interests. It bears on the political foundation of China-Japan bilateral relations and is the red line that must not be crossed. The Chinese side opposes the Japanese side playing up regional tensions under the excuse of the so-called "Taiwan contingency". The biggest threat to cross-Strait peace is the separatist activities for "Taiwan independence" and connivance and support for such moves from external forces. Japan, in particular, as a country who colonized Taiwan for a long time and committed countless atrocities against the Chinese people, should have reflected on its history of aggression and be prudent about its words and deeds. We urge the Japanese side to earnestly abide by the spirit of the four political documents between China and Japan and the commitments it has made and stop using the Taiwan question to provoke confrontation. I want to emphasize that the one-China principle is a prevailing consensus in the international community and a basic norm governing international relations. More than 1.4 billion Chinese people will take resolute and strong actions against any individual or force that attempts to interfere in China's internal affairs or hinder China's reunification.

Question: I have two questions. The first is that it is reported that a Vietnamese young officers delegation recently visited China. Could you please give us more details? My second question is that it's reported that a US P-8A patrol aircraft hovered over the South China Sea and dropped an unidentified object, which was said to be a submarine detector. What's your comment?

Wu Qian: On your first question. According to the consensus between the leaders of the Chinese and Vietnamese militaries and our annual exchange plan, the first Friendly Exchange between Chinese and Vietnamese Young Officers was held in China from June 14th to 20th. Under the theme of "Carry Forward Friendship and Work in Solidarity", the event is designed to help young officers of China and Vietnam to better understand the traditional friendship between the two parties and countries, and to enhance Vietnamese participants' understanding about China. During the exchange, Vietnamese young officers attended themed lectures given by relevant departments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of National Defense, interacted with Chinese young officers as well as students and teachers from civilian academies and visited historical and cultural sites including the former residence of Ho Chi Minh, Nanxishan hospital and Guilin Yucai primary school.

With strong bonds between the two countries, China and Vietnam are each other's comrades and brothers. Over the years, the Chinese and Vietnamese militaries earnestly followed through on the important consensus reached by top leaders of the two parties, carried out productive and substantive cooperation in such fields as political work, border exchanges, personnel training, and medical service. The Chinese side stands ready to work with the Vietnamese side to hold more successful exchange activities between young officers, consolidate traditional friendship and make contributions to building a China-Vietnam community with a shared future that carries strategic significance.

On your second question, the Chinese side is firmly opposed to the US warships and aircraft making provocations and creating troubles in the South China Sea. It's completely legitimate and lawful for the Chinese side to carry out operations including law enforcement, identification and verification in waters adjacent to Ren'ai Jiao, which is under China's jurisdiction.

Senior Colonel Wu Qian, spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense (MND) of the People's Republic of China (PRC), answers reporters' questions at a regular press conference on the afternoon of June 27, 2024. ( by Lyu Zhe)

Question: Reuters reported that the US Department of Defense (DOD) orchestrated a secret online campaign amid the COVID-19 pandemic to cast doubt among Filipinos about the safety and efficacy of vaccines and other pandemic aid from China. A senior Pentagon official also admitted that the US military ran a clandestine influence campaign to denigrate China's vaccines across the developing world. What's your comment?

Wu Qian: We have noted the report. It is just another evidence that the US side would stop at nothing to cook up lies to discredit other countries. The Chinese side firmly opposes this.

This is not the first lie made up by the US side about China, nor will it be the last. From "China military threat" to "cyberattacks from China", the US side has fabricated too many lies to mislead the public. Lies will never become truth, even if repeated a thousand times. The international community is increasingly aware of the true nature of the US side as a source of lies. We hope the US side will behave in a manner befitting its status as a big power and stop trumping up lies for its selfish interests.

Question: According to foreign media reports, the US, Japan and ROK will conduct the first trilateral multi-domain military exercise codenamed Freedom Edge at the end of June. In addition to traditional subjects such as joint naval and air operations, participating countries will also conduct exercises in cyber and space warfare. What's your comment in this regard?

Wu Qian: The Chinese side always believes that defense and security operation between relevant countries should help with instead of undermine regional peace and stability, and should not harm the interests of any third party.

Question: President Xi Jinping, Chairman of the Central Military Commission, recently signed an order to promulgate the revised Regulations on Military Audit. What is the significance of amending the Regulations? What are the main changes?

Wu Qian: The Chinese military always puts a premium on the audit and supervision of its economic activities. Revising and releasing Regulations on Military Audit is a solid step to follow through on the important decisions and instructions made by President Xi, and an important measure to enhance audit and supervision to adapt to the new requirements in military training and preparedness as well as rigorous military governance. This is of great significance for higher efficiency of military budget use, more regularized financial and economic activities of the PLA and high-quality development of China's national defense and the armed forces.

The revised Regulations consists of 75 articles under 8 chapters with six main changes. First, it emphasizes political requirements for auditing. It's made clear in the Regulations that the audit work needs to prioritize its political nature and functions and firmly maintain a correct political direction. Second, it systematically defines the scope of auditing. Auditing items involving military budgets, assets, and other resources are further specified to put their authenticity, legality and efficacy under supervision. The work is extended to include auditing of military operations, information system and state-owned resources, so as to cover the full spectrum and all areas of economic activities of the military. Third, it refines accountability assessment. Categories of economic responsibilities will be adjusted based on the degree of association between leading officials and problems uncovered by audits. The Regulations also sets up a reporting system for accountability regarding dereliction of duty or failure to fulfill responsibilities. The goal of these measures is to enhance the supervision and management of leading officials. Fourth, it enhances follow-up governance. The Regulations specifies responsibilities for rectification at different levels of military units and requires that corrective actions taken in response to audit findings should be publicized and pending issues be further dealt with. In this way, auditing outcomes will be better applied to address both symptoms and root causes. Fifth, it reinforces integration of different channels of supervision. To build a comprehensive system of supervision, collaborative mechanisms between the audit department and other departments for discipline inspection, inspection tours, justice, organization and human resources will be improved, and the methods and scope of joint military and civilian auditing will be optimized. Sixth, it tightens self-management within military audit departments. Only an axe that is hard enough can be used to forge irons. Therefore, audit departments are required to adjust limits of authority, improve auditing procedures and make a list of do-nots in the audit work for stricter self-discipline.

Question: Recently, the defense chiefs of China and the US had an in-person meeting on the sidelines of the Shangri-La Dialogue. What's your comment on the current China-US military-to-military relations? Will the two sides have more exchanges in the future?

Wu Qian: Following the important consensus reached by Chinese and US heads of state last November, the two militaries have steadily resumed dialogues and consultation on the basis of equality and respect and achieved some positive and tangible results. On the margins of this year's Shangri-La Dialogue (SLD), China's Defense Minister and US Secretary of Defense met in person and they had a positive, substantive and constructive discussion on topics including the state-to-state and military-to-military relations, the Taiwan question and the South China Sea issue. A delegation from the PLA National Defense University (NDU) arrived in Washington D.C. on June 25th for the Strategic Dialogue with its US counterpart. The China-US military relationship is stabilizing from deterioration. The momentum does not come by easily, thus both sides should cherish it.

I want to emphasize that developing China-US military-to-military relations requires both sides to value peace, prioritize stability and uphold credibility. We hope the US side adopt a right perception of China, respect China's sovereignty, security and development interests and work with us in the same direction to pursue a stable and sound relationship.

Senior Colonel Wu Qian, spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense (MND) of the People's Republic of China (PRC), answers reporters' questions at a regular press conference on the afternoon of June 27, 2024. ( by Lyu Zhe)

Question: It is reported that the admission plans of the PLA educational institutions for 2024 have been released. Many students plan to apply for military academies. Please brief us on changes in this year's plan regarding the majors and the number of enrollment.

Wu Qian: The annual admission work of military academies is about to enter the stage of application and enrollment. Recently, relevant CMC departments released admission plans for high school graduates, enlisted soldiers and PLA and PAP non-commissioned officers. Compared with last year, there are four major changes: first, the category of majors for high school graduates is reduced and optimized to meet the requirements for the depth and breadth of undergraduate education, so as to enhance the operational capability and tap the potential of cadets; second, the requirement and procedure to apply for military academies are adjusted and new policies on age, service time and procedure of military medical examination have come into force; third, the number of enrollment is basically equivalent to that of last year, with an appropriate increase in majors in emerging areas such as intelligent aircraft technology and unmanned system engineering; fourth, to adapt to the new structural changes of the recruits, we have launched pilot programs to admit PLA and PAP NCOs with junior college diplomas to military academies for undergraduate vocational and technical education.

The military is a university for the promising youth, and military academy is a forge to temper courage. There are many different ways to live your youth, but you will surely be proud of your experience in military uniform. We welcome more young aspirants to apply for military academies and join the military to pursue their passion and fulfill their dreams.

Question: The PLA recently has conducted many exercises and training in waters around the Taiwan island, and many media outlets refer to them as "encircling Taiwan from four sides or three sides". Recently, Taiwan's so-called "Chief of the General Staff" said at a legislative hearing that these exercises held by the PLA may turn into wars in the future, and troops of Taiwan need to change their mindsets about warfare to be able to respond rapidly. What's your comment?

Wu Qian: I suggest the DPP authorities to get used to encircling activities held by the PLA. I need to point out that the PLA's relevant actions and operations are targeted at separatist activities held by the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces, they are by no means targeted at our compatriots in Taiwan. I want to say that as long as there is no attempt to push for "Taiwan independence", there is no need to be anxious.

Question: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that NATO is in talks on taking missiles out of storage and placing them on standby in the face of a growing threat from Russia and China. He also claimed that China was investing heavily in modern weaponry. What's your comment, please?

Wu Qian: NATO disregarded facts and played up the non-existent "China nuclear threat". The Chinese side firmly opposes that. NATO in recent years has enhanced the role of nuclear weapons in its collective security policy, strengthened "nuclear sharing" and upgraded US nuclear weapons deployed to NATO allies. Such behaviors increase the risk of nuclear arms race and conflicts, and will surely be firmly opposed by the international community. We require NATO to stop spreading false narratives, stop nuclear blackmail and coercion and stop going further down the wrong path.

Wu Qian: If there are no more questions, this concludes today's press conference, thank you.

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