US needs to stop spreading disinformation and explain its "deception" strategy: Defense Spokesperson

China Military Online
Lin Congyi
2024-07-25 16:19:10

BEIJING, July 25 -- "The US's deception operations are not limited to the military domain. In fact, deception is deep in its bones, and it would lie about anything to get its own way. The US has long been undoubtedly an 'empire of lies'," said Chinese Defense Spokesperson Senior Colonel Zhang Xiaogang at a regular press conference on Thursday.

It is reported that the US Marine Corps recently published for the first time a doctrine titled Deception, a tactic used to deceive enemy and create disinformation.

When being asked to comment on that, the spokesperson made the above remarks and pointed out that the US is a habitual liar and rumor-monger, and this will only speed up the erosion of its credibility.

"From Operation Mockingbird which bribed and manipulated news media for propaganda purposes in the Cold War era, to a vial with white powder and a staged video of the "White Helmets" cited as evidence to wage wars in Iraq and Syria, and then to the lie of the century made up to smear China's Xinjiang policy and the disinformation campaign orchestrated to denigrate China's vaccines in countries including the Philippines, the list goes on," said Sen. Col. Zhang.

The spokesperson also stressed that people may be deceived for a while, but not forever, and urged the US side to immediately correct its wrongdoing, stop spreading disinformation, stop deluding people and vilifying other countries, and give a clear explanation to the international community on its strategy of "deception" as soon as possible.

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