Regular Press Conference of China's Ministry of National Defense on January 25

Ministry of National Defense
Chen Zhuo
2024-02-02 11:04:11

By Senior Colonel Wu Qian, Director General of the Information Office of the Ministry of National Defense (MND) and Spokesperson for the MND

Senior Colonel Wu Qian, spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense (MND) of the People's Republic of China (PRC), answers recent media queries concerning the military on the afternoon of January 25, 2024. (Photo/

(The following English text of the press conference is for reference. In case of any divergence of interpretation, the Chinese text shall prevail.)

Senior Colonel Wu Qian: Friends from the media, good afternoon. Welcome to this month's regular press conference of the Ministry of National Defense.

Question: During the recent 17th China-US Defense Policy Coordination Talks, the Chinese side emphasized that the US side should fully recognize the root causes of the air and maritime security issues, and strictly discipline its troops on the ground. However, the US side claimed that it would continue to fly and sail wherever international law allows. Could you please make comments?

Answer: The root cause of air and maritime military security issues between China and the United States is that the US warships and aircraft have made provocations at China's doorstep and conducted long-term, large-scale and frequent close-in reconnaissance in the waters and airspace around China. The Chinese military took countermeasures in accordance with laws and regulations and acted in a legitimate, rational, professional and restrained manner. The US side should stop abusing international law, stop all dangerous provocations, and strictly discipline its troops on the ground. This is the fundamental way to prevent unintended incident at sea or in the air.

Question: I have two questions. First, Taiwan's foreign affairs authorities said that the comments made by the mainland concerning elections in Taiwan are not consistent with the international understanding and the status quo of the cross-Strait relations and called on the mainland to respect the result. What's your comment? The second question, recent surveys by US and Taiwan think tanks believed that the mainland is more likely to isolate or blockade Taiwan than using force against it in the next five years. They predicted that the mainland might conduct large-scale military exercises around Taiwan this year. Do you have any comment?

Answer: On your first questions, the elections of the Taiwan region belong to the affairs of a region in China. The outcome of the two elections shows that the DPP does not represent the mainstream public opinion in Taiwan. No matter how the situation changes in Taiwan, the basic fact that there is only one China in the world and Taiwan is part of China will not change, the prevailing consensus of the international community on the one-China principle will not change and the historical trend towards China's reunification will not change.

About 80 years ago, China, the US and the UK issued the Cairo Declaration which clearly stipulates that "all the territories Japan has stolen from China, such as Taiwan, shall be restored to China." Article 8 of the 1945 Potsdam Proclamation jointly signed by China, the US, the UK and the Soviet Union says that "the terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out". In 1971, the 26th UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 2758 which clarifies that there is only one China in the world and there is no such thing as "two Chinas" or "one China, one Taiwan". These international instruments are legally binding and provide historical and jurisprudential basis for the fact that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory.

It needs to be emphasized that the sovereignty and territory of China has never been severed and the legal status and fact that Taiwan is part of China's territory have never changed. This is the real status quo. Taiwan will never be a country. "Taiwan independence" and the attempts by foreign forces to split China will never succeed. China's reunification requires Taiwan's return. The PLA will speak with actions and always be a great wall of steel defending national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

On your second question. Taiwan is a sacred and inalienable part of China's territory. The Taiwan question is at the core of China's core interests. We seek the prospect of peaceful reunification with greatest sincerity and utmost efforts. However, if the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces provoke and even cross our red lines, we will have to take decisive measures to defend our national sovereignty and territorial integrity. This is the firm will of over 1.4 billion Chinese people and the sacred mission of the PLA.

Senior Colonel Wu Qian, spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense (MND) of the People's Republic of China (PRC), answers recent media queries concerning the military on the afternoon of January 25, 2024. (Photo/

Question: I have two questions. First, the US DOD recently released its first National Defense Industrial Strategy (NDIS) which calls to build strong defense industrial base and productivity together with Indo-Pacific nations to prepare for potential conflict in the region. US Assistant Secretary of Defense for Industrial Base Policy noted China's increasing threat to upend existing international order and underscored the urgent need to shore up the defense industrial base. Do you have any comment? My Second question is that yesterday, on January 24, a US naval destroyer sailed through the Taiwan Strait. Do you have any comment?

Answer: On your first question, the document you just mentioned named China and hyped-up the non-existent "China threat". We are firmly opposed to that. Facts have proven time and again that the growth of the Chinese military contributes to the growth of the force for peace in the world. This is recognized by the international community. The accusations and smears by the US side are not true. At the same time, I have to say that China firmly opposes US acts to invigorate small-group alliances and promote bloc confrontation in the Asia-Pacific.

On your second question, my colleague, Senior Colonel Shi Yi, spokesperson for the PLA Eastern Theater Command, already made a statement on it yesterday. What I want to emphasize is that whether it is "using Taiwan to contain China" or "relying on the US support to seek independence", such attempts are bound to fail.

Question: The Red Falcon Aerobatic Team of the PLA Air Force participated in the ceremony celebrating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Lao People's Army and performed flying displays. Please brief us on more details.

Answer: Videos speak louder than words. Please watch the screen first.

In addition to the video clip, I want to say a few more words. At the invitation of the Lao Ministry of National Defense, the PLAAF Red Falcon Aerobatic Team sent JL-8 trainer jets to participate in the activities celebrating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Lao People's Army from January 17 to 18. It was the first time for the Chinese Air Force aerobatic team to perform in Laos, and the first time for the Red Falcon to perform abroad. During the show, the jets performed in 8-ship, 7-ship, 6-ship and 5-ship formations, and showcased specific maneuvers in 4-ship, 3-ship and 2-ship and single-jet aerobatics. The contrail colors were also adjusted with red, yellow, blue and white representing the colors of Chinese and Lao national flags, and a newly-added green color symbolizing peace and friendship. They represent a confident and open PLA Air Force who values peace and friendship.

A stunning dance in the sky is for a great friendship. With the aerobatic performance, the PLAAF extended its festive greetings to the Lao People's Army in a special way, vividly demonstrating the traditional friendship, solidarity and cooperation between the Chinese and Lao militaries.

Question: The website Global Firepower's Military Strength Ranking has recently assigned the US military as the most powerful military globally, with Russia and China following as the second and third. Do you have any comment, please?

Answer: We usually do not comment on reports issued by research institutes. In principle, when we evaluate a military, we should not only focus on its capabilities but also the defense policy and military strategies it follows. As the saying goes, though a country may become strong, bellicosity will lead to its ruin; though a nation may be safe now, lack of vigilance will bring about danger.

Question: I have two questions. First, according to media reports, Chief of Staff of the Philippine Armed Forces said that the Philippines is planning to develop the South China Sea islands and reefs and acquire more ships and radars. Some analysts say the Philippine side is intended to build outposts in the South China Sea. Will the Chinese military allow that to happen? The second question is, earlier this year, China and the United States discussed mil-to-mil exchange plans. Can you tell us what agreements have been reached? We know that the two sides will have the Maritime Military Consultative Agreement (MMCA) meeting later this year. What concerns will the Chinese side put forward during the meeting?

Answer: On your first question, it's the Philippines' own business whether to purchase more ships or not. But China will never allow anything that infringes on China's sovereignty and security or undermines regional peace and stability to happen.

China has indisputable sovereignty over Nansha Qundao and its adjacent waters, which is fully backed by historical and jurisprudential basis. China resolutely opposes the Philippine side conducting any form of construction on China's islands and reefs illegally occupied by them.

There are some difficulties in the current China-Philippines relationship. The root cause is that the Philippine side has, in collusion with outside powers, broken its promise and kept violating China's sovereignty and making provocations in the South China Sea. These acts undermined China's legitimate and lawful rights and interests. We urge the Philippine side to respect history, recognize the reality, and do not go further down the wrong path. China is willing to work together with the Philippines to resolve differences through bilateral dialogues and consultation. However, if the Philippine side insists on taking its own course, China will surely take firm countermeasures.

On your second question, the Chinese and US heads of state agreed during the meeting in San Francisco to restore military-to-military communications. With the concerted efforts of the two sides, mil-to-mil dialogues and consultations have been steadily resumed on the basis of equality and respect. Currently, the Chinese military and the U.S. military are maintaining communication and coordination on exchange programs such as the MMCA meetings. We will release relevant information in due course.。

You also mentioned what concerns we have on air and maritime security issues, and I have already expressed our positions in my answer to the first question. I want to emphasize one point, we should not only see the phenomenon but also see into the essence of the problem.

Senior Colonel Wu Qian, spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense (MND) of the People's Republic of China (PRC), answers recent media queries concerning the military on the afternoon of January 25, 2024. (Photo/

Question: Taiwan's military authorities recently claimed that the PLA has conducted joint maritime and aerial readiness patrols around the island. What's the purpose of this military operation, please?

Answer: Recently, the PLA Eastern Theater Command organized routine joint readiness patrols by naval and air forces around the Taiwan Island, in a bid to further improve realistic training and strengthen combat capabilities in defending national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The PLA will continue to strengthen military training to enhance combat readiness, and organize relevant military operations on a regular basis.

Question: According to reports, delegates from Japan, Russia, the US and other Pacific countries attended the Western Pacific Naval Symposium (WPNS) Workshop in Nanjing to prepare for the biennial meeting to be held in Qingdao in April. Can you give us more details?

Answer: The PLA Navy (PLAN) hosted the Western Pacific Naval Symposium Workshop in Nanjing from January 16 to 18. The meeting, with both in-person and online participation, was attended by about 70 delegates from 23 WPNS member states and 7 observer states. The delegates had friendly, candid and constructive discussions on 10 subjects including the revision of the WPNS Business Charter, the use of the Code for Unplanned Encounters at Sea (CUES), and the establishment of a working group on unmanned system studies, with the Chinese side as the coordinator. A number of preliminary deliverables were agreed and will be submitted to the 19th biennial meeting for deliberation and vote.

China will host the 19th WPNS biennial meeting in Qingdao in April. Since the timing coincides with the 75th anniversary of the founding of the people's navy, the PLAN will also host many other activities.

Question: According to media reports, India's External Affairs Minister (EAM) Subrahmanyam Jaishankar said that China violated bilateral consensus in 2020 and assembled a large number of military forces along the Line of Actual Control (LAC), which triggered the conflict in the Galwan Valley. And he had made it clear to the Chinese side that unless a solution is found at the border, India-China relations cannot move on normally. Do you have any comment on that? And when will the two militaries have the next round of Corps Commander Level Meeting?

Answer: The Galwan Valley lies on the Chinese side of the western sector along the LAC. The relevant incident happened only because the Indian side violated bilateral consensus and made unilateral provocations. Therefore, the responsibility lies entirely with the Indian side. Over the past three years, China and India have maintained communication and coordination through military and diplomatic channels. Up till now, the two militaries have had 20 rounds of Corps Commander Level Meetings, and agreed to disengage at four points, namely the Galwan Valley, the Pangong Lake, Hot Springs, and Jianan Daban, contributing to the de-escalation of tensions in the border areas. The boundary dispute is a legacy issue between China and India but it does not represent the whole picture of bilateral relations. Therefore, it is unwise and inappropriate for the Indian side to link the boundary issue with the overall relations. This approach is against the shared interests of the two countries. We hope the Indian side can work with the Chinese side towards the same goal, enhance strategic mutual trust, properly handle differences, and safeguard peace and tranquility in the border areas. As for the next Corps Commander Level Meeting, we will release information in due course.

Question: According to media reports, Taiwan's military has signed a contract with the American Institute in Taiwan worth 770 million New Taiwan dollars (about 24 million US dollars). Under the contract, the US will provide technological support on missile systems to Taiwan from this year to 2027. In addition, Taiwan's military plans to purchase the T-11 parachute for its special forces. What's your comment?

Answer: The Taiwan question is an internal affair of China and brooks no foreign interference. The DPP authorities are squandering Taiwan people's hard-earned money on purchasing US weapons for their own interests. This is nothing but drinking a poison for thirsty and will only push Taiwan closer to the brink of war.

"Taiwan independence" is a deadly poison and a dead end. A few pieces of US weapons cannot buy Taiwan security. To defend China's national sovereignty and territorial integrity, the PLA will always be resolute to fight and win.

Question: Recently, Taiwan's "Defense Department" has spotted some balloons from the mainland approaching or overflying Taiwan, which is a matter of great concern to the people in Taiwan. Could you further explain which units released these balloons and what is the purpose?

Answer: I want to first correct one mistake in your question. Taiwan is a part of China, so there is no so-called “Defense Department” in Taiwan. Regarding your question about the balloons, please inquire with the competent authorities. I want to say that the DPP authorities are used to hyping up this kind of issue to instigate confrontation across the Strait, and this approach is meaningless and will not succeed.

Question: According to media reports, there were avalanches in Altay, Xinjiang, due to the impact of snow storms, and many roads were blocked and people stranded. An army aviation brigade under the PLA Xinjiang Military Command has sent helicopters to help with the rescue efforts. Please tell us more details.

Answer: Recently, there were heavy snow falls in Baihaba, Kanas, and Hemu in Altay in Xinjiang, which led to avalanches that cut off roads and communication and stranded tourists. Despite bad weather and poor communication, the PLA Xinjiang Military Command dispatched military personnel and two helicopters to the affected areas for rescue. They lifted 88 stranded people out of the region, delivered 14.3 tons of supplies, including food, medicine and power generators, and transported 23 professionals in electric power, communication, and medical care to the disaster-hit region. The stranded individuals have been properly accommodated. Please watch a video.

On disaster relief, I'd like to add one point. Some natural disasters like earthquakes and landslides happened recently in Xinjiang and Yunnan. The PLA and the PAP have been ordered to assist and participate in rescue and follow up matters. Currently, the rescue efforts are going on orderly. Officers and soldiers of the task forces will continue to fight on the frontline to save people's lives and properties.

Question: According to foreign media reports, China's scientific research vessels operating in the Indian Ocean have signed cooperation agreements with the PLA. They will conduct missions, in addition to marine scientific research, to help with the PLA's deployment overseas. An Indian military official said that India was closely monitoring the movement of Chinese research vessels in the Indian Ocean. What's your comment on this?

Answer: According to my information, China's scientific research vessels conduct routine marine research in the Indian Ocean and other waters. Their operations are in full compliance with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Relevant reports are groundless and pure speculation.

Question: I have two questions. First, a blogger recently shared travel tips including photos showing how to sneak into a military restricted area on her social media account. What's your comment on that? Second, it is reported that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) tested its underwater nuclear weapon system in the waters off its eastern coast on January 19th. Before the test, the DPRK announced that it would no longer seek reconciliation and reunification and called for preparations to occupy the Republic of Korea (ROK) in the event of war. Some analysts worry that the possibility of military conflict between the DPRK and ROK is increasing. So what's your take on that?

Answer: On your first question, we can't violate rules and laws when sharing travel tips or recommendations and national security is not a game. It is the responsibility and obligation of all organizations and citizens to protect the security of military facilities and safeguard national interests. We expect everyone to strictly abide by laws and regulations on the protection of military facilities and jointly build a solid foundation for national security.

As for your second question, recently, tensions are high on the Korean Peninsula with intensified antagonism and confrontation. As a close neighbor, China advocates maintaining peace and stability on the Peninsula and resolving the Peninsula issue through dialogue and consultation. We expect all relevant parties to remain calm and exercise restraint, and do not take any action that may heighten tensions, so as to avoid further escalation and create favorable conditions for resuming meaningful dialogues.

Question: According to surveys of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), Hamas used a large number of Chinese-made weapons in the Gaza Strip, including assault rifles, grenade launchers, etc. The IDF is investigating how Hamas acquired these weapons. Do you have any comment?

Answer: Since the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the Chinese side has provided Palestine with emergency assistance including food and medical supplies. But we never provided any weapon or equipment to the conflict zone. I want to emphasize that China has all along adopted a prudent and responsible attitude toward weapons exports and strictly followed the three principles for arms exports: the exports should be conducive to the legitimate self-defense capability of the recipient country; they should not undermine peace, security and stability of the region concerned and the world as a whole; and they should not be used to interfere in the internal affairs of the recipient country.

Question: I have three questions. First, on January 5, the ROK, Japan and the US had the first trilateral Indo-Pacific Dialogue, and China was mentioned directly and indirectly multiple times in a joint statement released after the dialogue. On the South China Sea issue, the three parties strongly reiterated their firm commitment to international law, including the freedom of navigation and overflight. They opposed any unilateral attempts to change the status quo by force or coercion anywhere in the waters of the Indo-Pacific. And they reaffirmed the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait as indispensable to security and prosperity of the international community. Do you have any comment? Second, NATO will start the "Steadfast Defender 2024" military exercise from this week, which will last for over four months and involve around 90,000 military personnel from NATO member countries, making it the largest NATO military exercise since the end of the Cold War. Some analysts believe that NATO is transforming from a crisis prevention and management organization to a coalition of military operations. Do you have any comment? The third question is that the US ambassador to the Philippines recently stated after a meeting with the Philippine military that the US would resume joint patrols with the Philippines in the South China Sea. The Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (CSAFP) also mentioned that the joint patrols are necessary for better implementation of the rules-based international order. What is Chinese side's response to this?

Answer: On your first question, we have noticed the dialogue held by the ROK, Japan and the US as well as the relevant statement, and expressed strong dissatisfaction with its inappropriate content related to China. The Chinese side is firmly against some countries building small exclusive blocs to grossly interfere in China's internal affairs, slander China and instigate confrontation. On the South China Sea issue, China will firmly safeguard its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests. At the same time, we are committed to properly resolving disputes with countries concerned through dialogue and consultation. Certain non-regional countries are flexing muscles and instigating confrontation in the South China Sea, which undermines peace and stability in the South China Sea. Taiwan is China's territory. The Taiwan question is China’s internal affair and brooks no foreign interference.

On your second question, we are highly concerned about the military exercise to be held by NATO. We also noticed that NATO secretary general made some inappropriate comments on China recently. As a regional military organization, NATO has launched and fought many wars around the world since its establishment. In recent years, NATO has been inching closer to the Asia Pacific and using the non-existent "China threat" as an excuse to advance bloc confrontation, which poses a threat to regional security. It's fair to say that NATO is like a walking "war machine", wherever it goes, it brings instability and chaos.

We urge NATO to stop telling lies and stop any dangerous move that may disrupt the Asia Pacific, take an objective and rational view of the growth of China and the Chinese military and do more things that are conducive to world peace.

Regarding the third question, we believe that the Philippines, in developing alliance with relevant countries, should not undermine China's legitimate rights and interests in the South China Sea. At the same time, we are firmly opposed to the US interfering in the South China Sea issue, and encouraging and supporting the Philippine side to harass and violate China's sovereignty. These acts have intensified maritime tensions. As for maritime disputes, China is committed to peaceful settlement through negotiation and consultation. At the same time, we will resolutely safeguard our territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests.

Question: I have three questions. First, we noticed that the Chinese and US militaries had communication at various levels and in different areas after the meeting between the two heads of state in San Francisco. Please further introduce the 2024 mil-mil exchange plan between China and the US. Second, you have just introduced that the 19th biennial meeting of the Western Pacific Naval Symposium would be held in Qingdao this April. Ten years ago, PLAN also hosted the 14th biennial meeting of the WPNS, with the attendance of American naval leaders. Will Chinese and American naval leaders meet in Qingdao this year? Third, the US side sent a destroyer USS Finn to sail through the Taiwan Strait and later hyped up the transit. The PLA Eastern Theater Command issued a statement on it late last night, and stated clearly China's stance. We have noticed that the interactions between the US and China's Taiwan region have not decreased. Do you have any comment?

Answer: For your first question, I have just introduced relevant information, especially the MMCA meeting between China and the US. I want to emphasize that to carry out mil-to-mil communication, the two militaries should first have a correct strategic judgment on each other, and the communication should be based on equality and respect. This year marks the 45th anniversary of China-US diplomatic ties. We hope the US side can truly respect China's core interests, take a rational view of the growth of China and the Chinese military, work together with the Chinese side to follow through the consensus of the two heads of state and promote a sound, stable and sustained mil-to-mil relationship.

Regarding the second question, the United States is a member state of the WPNS. According to the requirement of the business chapter of the WPNS, China has already sent invitations to all member states and observer states. We look forward to deepening exchanges and cooperation with all countries and making positive contributions to building a maritime community with a shared future.

As for the third question, the PLA Eastern Theater Command has already made a statement on this matter. Our position concerning the Taiwan question is consistent and clear. In general, it can be summed up as "Three Nevers": Taiwan will never be a country, "Taiwan independence" will never succeed, and the attempts by foreign forces to split China will never work.

Question: According to the media, there were sources from Japan saying that Japan and Australia are discussing closer cooperation, and given China's moves, the two sides will expand joint exercises and conduct Japan's long-range missile launch tests in Australia. What's your comment on that?

Answer: China upholds that defense cooperation between relevant countries should not harm any third party's interests or regional peace and security. In recent years, Japan has taken moves that violate its own Pacifist Constitution and "exclusively defense-oriented policy. It has vigorously developed offensive weapons, spread false narratives and provocative remarks, and built up small-group alliances under the pretext of so-called "China threat". The Chinese side is firmly opposed to these acts.

Question: According to media reports, dozens of officials from Japan Ground Self-Defense Force, including general officers, paid visit to the Yasukuni Shrine recently. Do you have any comment on that?

Answer: The Yasukuni Shrine is a spiritual tool and symbol of Japanese militarists' war of aggression. It honors 14 convicted Class-A war criminals with grave responsibilities for war crimes committed during that war of aggression. The visit made by officials from the Japan Self-Defense Force is a blatant disrespect to justice and gravely hurt the feelings of people in the victim countries. It shows that the Japanese side has a very wrong attitude toward its history of aggression. The Chinese side is strongly dissatisfied and firmly opposed to this visit. We demand the Japanese side to truly face up to and reflect on its history of aggression, and make a clean break with militarism to prevent losing trust of its Asian neighbors and the international community.

Question: Recently, the United States has been striking Houthi targets in Yemen with its allies, aiming to prevent Houthi attacks on international commercial ships in the Red Sea. Will China participate in related military operations? If so, what kind of military action will China take? Will China participate in the US-led escort operations? If not, what are the reasons? Is there any restriction on China's use of the base in Djibouti?

Answer: The Red Sea is a crucial international corridor for goods and energy trade, and maintaining security and stability in the region is in the common interests of the international community. China always calls for ensuring the security of international waterways and opposes the attacks on civilian ships. Meanwhile, we are committed to addressing both the symptoms and root causes and solving regional hotspot issues through dialogue, negotiation, and political means.

It must be emphasized that the tension in the Red Sea is a prominent manifestation of the spillover of the Gaza conflict. The immediate priority is to achieve ceasefire in Gaza as soon as possible, and prevent the conflict from escalating or even getting out of control. We hope that all relevant parties can play a constructive and responsible role in maintaining security and stability of the Red Sea region. We will closely follow the situation.

Regarding your question about the PLA Support Base in Djibouti, I believe the term "support base" itself can answer your question.

Question: Recently, diplomats from China and the Philippines met in Shanghai, aiming to reduce tensions in the South China Sea. But judging from the statements of both sides, there are still a lot of difficulties and challenges. Compared with last year, do you think there is a bigger hope to lower the risk of conflict this year?

Answer: Recently, China and the Philippines had consultations on relevant issues in Shanghai, but solving the current issues in the South China Sea cannot be accomplished overnight. China is committed to resolving maritime disputes in a peaceful way through dialogues and consultations. At the same time, we will firmly safeguard our sovereignty, security and maritime rights and interests. On easing tensions in the South China Sea, it is very necessary for some big power, namely the US, to stop interfering and making provocations.

Question: Recently, Japan and the United States signed an agreement to purchase 400 US-made long-range Tomahawk missiles. Among them, there are 200 anti-ship missiles with a range of more than 1,600 kilometers which mainly target at large warships such as aircraft carriers. Some analysts believe that Japan's move is targeted at China’s aircraft carriers. What is the response of the MND?

Answer: The United States has connived at Japan's move to enhance its arsenal. This kind of behavior intensifies the momentum of arms race, undermines regional peace and security, disrupts global strategic stability, and damages the international order based on international law. China is firmly opposed to that. At the same time, we call on the Japanese side to truly reflect on its history, respect the security concerns of its Asian neighbors, and be discreet about its words and deeds in the military and security areas.

Wu Qian: Before we conclude the press conference, I'd like to introduce some special friends to you. They are representatives from the Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT). They have travelled from the hit city of "arbin" to the capital city of Beijing. It's great to have you with us today. With the strong leadership of the CPC, universities including the HIT have built pillar projects and cultivated cornerstone talent for the nation, making a great contribution to China's defense and technology development. As a service member, it's a special pleasure for me to welcome you. Thank you for coming to observe the press conference of the ministry of national defense. I wish you firm conviction, global perspective, and unwavering dedication to serving the nation.

Senior Colonel Wu Qian, spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense (MND) of the People's Republic of China (PRC), answers recent media queries concerning the military on the afternoon of January 25, 2024. (Photo/

The spring festival and the year of dragon will soon arrive. In traditional Chinese culture, dragon represents fortune, wisdom and strength, as well as a fighting spirit and entrepreneurship. Chinese dragon can fly high in the sky and dive deep in the water. It carries people's aspirations for success through hard working. As a matter of fact, all Chinese people share a same name: the descendants of the dragon. Here, on behalf of the MND press conference team, I'd like to extend early festival greetings to all the journalists, friends and every descendant of the dragon who care about our military. Happy Chinese new year! Wish you all great success and may your dreams come true in the new year! And wish our motherland soar like a dragon and make new achievements!

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