US nuclear weapons not "umbrella" but "straitjacket" for Europe

China Military Online
Chen Zhuo
2023-10-20 17:45:57

According to reports, the air forces of NATO member states launched the annual "Steadfast Noon" nuclear deterrence exercise in Europe on October 16, involving 60 various types of aircraft from 13 NATO countries, including fighter-bombers carrying nuclear bombs, reconnaissance aircraft and tanker aircraft, as well as the strategic bomber B-52 operated by the United States Air Force (USAF). The exercise is expected to last until October 26.

This exercise took place overhead Italy, Croatia and the Mediterranean Sea, and NATO alleged that it was a routine exercise irrelevant to any current international events. Military Observer Liang Yongchun pointed out that this high-profile strategic nuclear exercise held at a very sensitive time in fact aims to accommodate NATO's strategic considerations of both Europe and the Middle East.

"The Steadfast Noon nuclear deterrence exercise used to be centered around Germany, but this year the exercise covers southern Europe and the Middle East, which reveals NATO's strategic security posture to address both the Europe and Middle East issues," Military Observer Liang Yongchun remarked.

US B-52H strategic bomber (Source: Reference News)

The US has long regarded strengthening nuclear deterrence as the priority of its strategic adjustment. It has not only comprehensively elevated its nuclear triad  forces, but also carried out nuclear cooperation with other NATO countries in many aspects.

The head of the international non-governmental organization– International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)  said recently that the US is now training pilots from Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Türkiye and other NATO countries on the use of nuclear weapons, with the training content not open to the public. In the view of Military Observer Liang, the US is actually controlling and kidnapping European countries in the name of consolidating the so-called strategic security.

"The US is in charge of the air force training of these countries, and even has the final say on the fighter jet selections. Germany's previous request to independently develop its next-generation fighter aircraft was vetoed by the US on the grounds that the German aircraft could not carry American nuclear bombs. The nuclear weapons of the US are not an 'umbrella' for European countries, but a 'straitjacket' on their body," Military Observer Liang analyzed.

It's worth noting that NATO's "Steadfast Noon" nuclear deterrence exercise took place amid Russia's announcement to revoke its ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). However, Russia has proclaimed that it will continue to abide by its commitment to suspending nuclear tests.

Military Observer Liang pointed out that Russia's initial considerations stems from the US's persistent refusal of the treaty. The CTBT was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1996, but the US Congress has not ratified the treaty on account of protecting the interests of the US Military-industrial complex. As a major nuclear power in the world, the US should show more sincerity in nuclear arms control.

Military Observer Liang concluded, "As the largest nuclear weapon states in the world, the US and Russia should take the lead in complying with the CTBT. Especially the US should stop to impair global security for its selfish gains, and behave like a major power."

Russian RS-24 Yars intercontinental ballistic missile  (Source: Reference news)

Editor's note: Originally published on, this article is translated from Chinese into English and edited by the China Military Online. The information and opinions in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of

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