Multinational military exercise kicks off in Egypt

Li Jiayao
2023-09-02 14:51:43

CAIRO, Sept. 1 (Xinhua) -- A multinational military drill kicked off in Egypt with the participation of 8,000 troops and observers from 34 countries, the Egyptian Armed Forces said on Friday.

In a statement, the Egyptian Armed Forces said the drills, dubbed the Bright Star, will be held at the combat training fields of Mohamed Naguib Military Base and a number of naval and air bases in Egypt.

Moreover, members of the civil police and a number of legal experts from the International Committee of the Red Cross will also participate in the activities, the statement said.

The joint military exercise will run until Sept. 14, according to the statement.

The commanders of the participating countries' forces inspected an exhibition of weapons and equipment involved in the training, expressing their contentment with the high morale of the participating forces from various countries.

The Bright Star multinational military drill was launched in 1980 as part of the U.S.-brokered peace treaty between Egypt and Israel. It has been hosted by Egypt in cooperation with the United States every two years.

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