Official talks between delegations of Angola and China in the field of military justice.
Source: Agency Angola Press
Luanda - Delegations from the Angolan Military Courts and of the People's Liberation Army of China began Monday in Luanda exchanges of experiences in the field of the judicial organs, within the framework of existing bilateral cooperation.
The Chinese delegation is led by the chairman of the Chinese People's Liberation Army's Military Court, Liu Ligen, accompanied by magistrates of the Chinese Supreme Court started Monday an official visit to Angola.
The Angolan delegation is headed by the presiding judge of the Supreme Military Court, general António dos Santos Neto "Patónio". Judge Patónio informed that his institution is committed to the creation of Laws concerning the military Careers including junior officers and in the elaboration of others that aim at the organic protection of the Supreme Military Court and the Statute of Magistrates, with a view to their safeguard and future existence.
The meeting also served to present the Chinese delegation, the historical evolution of the Angolan military body, since the creation of the 1st Angolan Military Supreme Court in 1975, formerly designated by the Commission of Justice that had the mission to instruct, indict and prosecute crimes.
For three days, the Chinese delegation will meet with the President of the Supreme Court, the Attorney General, the Military Prosecutor, the Chief of Staff of the Angolan Armed Forces (FAA) and the Army Commander.
The delegation will also visit the António Agostinho Neto Memorial, the Quissama National Park, the Museum of the Angolan Armed Forces, among others.

Official conversations between delegations from Angola (right) and from China (left) in the field of military justice.