By Yang Qingmin and Fan Daoheng
MOSCOW, July 25 (ChinaMil) -- Reporters visited the camp of the Chinese participating team in "Road Patrol" competition of the International Army Games (IAG) 2018 at the Training Complex of the Noginsk Resque Centre of EMERCOM of Russia, in Noginsk, Moscow Oblast, on July 23. This is the first time for the Chinese PLA Army to participate in this competition in Russia.
The "Road Patrol" competition is sponsored by the Main Military Police Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defence, while the participants are mainly the military vehicle supervisors. The competition has been formally included into the IAG in 2017.
This year, the competition will be held in Noginsk from July 30 to August 5 and will include participating teams from Russia, China, Uzbekistan, Iran and Armenia. According to the competition rules, each participating country should send six participants to take part in.
This year's competition includes seven parts: extreme driving, individual pursuit race, road traffic management, tyres replacement, and team relay race, etc.
Chen Xiaoming, head of the PLA Army's participating team in “Road Patrol”, said they had carefully studied and analysed the competition rules and procedures and strengthened the psychological and adaptability training before the competition, in order to compete effectively.