By Lyu Desheng and Li Shurui

Cover of the pre-movie advert "Homeland and Borders"
BEIJING, Mar. 4 (ChinaMil) -- The everyday life of soldiers are also touching without aircraft, tanks or fire. A public service clip, "Homeland and Borders", filmed by the Chinese military has been showing on more than 10,000 movie theaters nationwide as a pre-movie advert since March 1. The 45-seconds promo is based on a video of the same title released by the Ministry of National Defense of the People's Republic of China (PRC) in late 2018.
The video clip tells the stories of border troops guarding sentry posts such as Shenxian Bay, Heweitan and Hongqilafu, and showcases their devotion and determination to secure national border and defend homeland.
According to sources from the PLA, the cinema ad of "Homeland and Borders" is a brand-new attempt aiming to implement the important indication of Chinese President Xi Jinping to "make serving in the military honorable in public." This video shows the life of service members from different aspects and perspectives, as part of an effort to send a positive message to our people to understand that the young man’s youth itself could be interpreted as not only living in the present but also being responsible for the national security."
The full short film was shown on the regular press conference of the Ministry of National Defense of the PRC on December 27 last year, and was simultaneously released on WeChat, Weibo, and other network platforms.
The people who devote their youth to protect our national security are worthy of our love and admiration." "Pay tribute to the Chinese soldiers who are defending our homeland. They are the most beloved people"... Chinese netizens have expressed their recognition of the video clip on the internet.