GAO, Mali, Dec. 16 -- Recently, the Menaka detachment of the 9th Chinese peacekeeping engineering contingent to Mali completed the construction of air defense bunker in the Togolese police camp as assigned by the Sector East of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA). This is the first mission of the detachment since its deployment.
“The project has been completed with high standards. I would like to extend my gratitude to the Chinese peacekeepers for their contributions to maintaining peace in Mali,” said the director of MINUSMA’s engineering office in Menaka.
The 9th Chinese peacekeeping force to Mali is composed of 413 members from the PLA 80th Group Army, grouped into a 210-personnel security contingent, a 140-personnel engineering contingent and a 63-personnel medical contingent.