Military spending hike to aggravate crooked US development


China Military Online
Li Jiayao
2022-01-04 21:29:14

郭晓兵 By GuoXiaobing



The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2022 that President Biden signed into law on December 27 approved a defense budget as high as USD 768.2 billion, about 5% higher than last year. The latest spike in the US defense budget, which is already topping the world, will only aggravate America’s crooked development while doing no good in addressing its pressing security issues, including the spreading pandemic, wealth polarization, and racial discrimination.

“2022财年国防授权法案”得到美国两党议员大力支持。最终批准的金额比拜登政府申请的金额还多出240亿美元。这超出了冷战时期美国军费开支的最高水平。该法案偏执地强调大国竞争,将焦点对准中国和俄罗斯。其中针对中国的所谓“太平洋威慑倡议”获得 71 亿美元拨款,针对俄罗斯的“欧洲防御倡议”获得40亿美元拨款。

With strong support from both parties, the FY 2022 NDAA approved a final amount that was USD 24 billion more than what the Biden administration originally requested, leading to a number even higher than the country’s peak military spending during the Cold War. The NDAA obsessively emphasized major-power competition and targeted China and Russia, as well evidenced by the USD 7.1 billion allocated to the so-called China-targeting Pacific Deterrence Initiative and the USD 4 billion to the Russia-targeting European Defense Initiative.


Besides, the NDAAalso called for making a master China strategy and pointed fingers at China’s internal affairs concerning the Taiwan island and Xinjiang Autonomous Region. It required discussions on the possible cooperation between the National Guard and Taiwan, pledged to help the island develop asymmetrical capabilities, and prohibited the import of products from Xinjiang.


While the US is burning money to expand the armed forces and get combat-ready, the reasons it cites are far-fetched at best.


The US alleged that it doesn’t have as many warships as China. Since 2020, Washington has pinned the title of “world’s greatest naval power”, which it has been deservedly wearing for many years, on China. The China Military Power Report that the US had carefully concocted claims that China has 360 warships, which will increase to 400 by 2025, as opposed to America’s 297 now and 355 then. Yet the report says nothing about America’s 11 aircraft carriers, 92 cruise ships and destroyers, and 68 nuclear submarines, as opposed to China’s small patrol ships and frigates. The Chinese navy still falls far behind the US navy in size and strength.

据说,它的军机不够用。但根据《国际飞行》杂志与巴西航空工业公司合作发布的《2021 年世界空军报告》,美军共有1.3万架军机,远远超过拥有4000架军机的亚军俄罗斯。中国虽然排名第三,但军机总量只是美国的零头。

The US alleged that it doesn’t have enough warplanes. According to the2021 World Air Forces report released by Flight International in cooperation with Embraer, the US military collectively operates over 13,000 military aircraft, far more than the runner-up Russia’s 4,000, while China, ranking third as it is, has only a little more than 3,000 military aircraft.


The US also alleged that it is falling behind in emerging areas such as space, cyber and hypersonic weapons. If this were true, which country is it that is constantly conducting co-orbital ASAT tests? Which country took the initiative to hit satellites with anti-missile interceptors? Which country took the lead in deploying an anti-satellite communication system? Which country was the first to develop the space-based anti-missile system? Which country was the first to destroy other countries’ nuclear facilities with a computer virus? Which country is developing a myriad of hypersonic weapons such as the Navy’s Conventional Prompt Strike offensive hypersonic missile, the Army’s Long Range Hypersonic Weapon, Air-Launched Rapid Response Weapon (ARRW), and Tactical Boost Glide?

美国国防开支在全球国防开支中所占比例畸重现象已非常严重,2020年高达40.3%。如此扭曲的国防开支比例,美国尚嫌不足。在刚刚结束史上最长的阿富汗战争之后,其军费不减反增。除了黩武之外我们还能用什么词来形容它呢? American defense expenditure is seriously disproportioned in the global defense spending, reaching 40.3% in 2020, yet Washington still finds that not enough and has continued to hike it immediately after it wrapped up the longest-ever Afghan War. What shall we call such a country but militaristic?

对于整个世界来说,美国持续增加军费意味着什么呢? What does America’s sustained increase in military expenditure mean for the world?


First, it means the US will be more militarily confident, even conceited. In domestic politics, absolute power means absolute corruption; in international politics, absolute power means absolute indulgence. Historical experience has shown that while equipped with overwhelming strike capacity, the US is by no means a good-willed hegemon good at self-restraint. Rather, it would not hesitate to make up excuses and start a war in order to wipe out any imaginary threat.


Second, the hike in America’s military spending will exacerbate the security dilemma among major countries, stimulate an arms race, and increase the risk of conflicts.


Third, America’s military expansion and war preparations will set a terrible example. As soon as Washington increased its military budget, built new services and developed new weapons, its allies would follow suit soon. For instance, the establishment of the US Space Force has created effects described as the “Break Pane Law” – countries that used to have second thoughts about militarizing the outer space, such as Japan, the UK, France and Germany, now have no scruples anymore and have taken turns setting up their own space command or space force. This will enhance the military and geopolitical factors in the international arena and set barriers against countries working together for common development.


(The author is Director of the Center for Arms Control Studies, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations)

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