US, selfish trampler upon international human rights endeavors -- Ukraine crisis mirrors US' base role on international stage (VII)

傲慢自私,国际人权事业的践踏者 —- 从乌克兰危机看美国在国际舞台上扮演的卑劣角色⑦

China Military Online
Li Jiayao
2022-04-02 18:07:27


By Jun Sheng


The White House has recently announced sanctions against a number of senior Russian officials on the grounds that they have played a part in the suppression of anti-Russian groups in east Ukraine and other violations of human rights. What’s ironic is that the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis is exactly the result of the US and NATO’s strategic suppression of Russia, yet the US, as the archcriminal, never reflects on itself, but has been constantly pressuring other countries and aggravating conflicts and confrontation in the name of “human rights”. The evolution of the Ukraine crisis once again proved that the arrogant and selfish America is the true trampler upon the international human rights cause.


For a long time, the US has been creating human rights disasters all over the world to serve its own interests under the disguise of “human rights”. What it has done with the Ukraine issue – continuously escalating tension and stoking hostility – is yet another case in point of its self-centered narrow-mindedness, as the crisis, in addition to containing Russia, also enables America to kill multiple birds with one stone – controlling European affairs while making hay selling weapons.


To preserve its global hegemony, the US has waged one war after another overseas while wielding the flag of “human rights”. Since the end of WWII, it has either launched or participated in a long list of wars, such as the Korean War, Vietnam War, Kosovo War, Afghan War, and Iraqi War, causing appalling civilian casualties and property losses. Relevant studies show that the so-called “anti-terror” wars launched by the US in the past 20 years or so have claimed more than 929,000 lives.


America’s abuse of unilateral sanctions under the excuse of “human rights” has made people in other countries suffer. Its long-term sanctions on countries like Venezuela, Iran and Syria are felt keenlyby their people; its cruel and callous economic blockade against Cuba has caused one social crisis after another, with embargo and sanctions continued even after COVID-19 broke out, exposing the Cuban economy and society to immense losses and its people to the suffering arising from this unbearably inhuman move.


In the meantime, the self-claimed “human rights guardian” is actually a pandemonium of human rights itself. Political manipulation has led the US to the world’s highest number of confirmed COVID-19 infections and fatalities, the death toll caused by gunshots has climbed to new highs, fake democracy is trampling down upon people’s political rights, immigration policy is threatening immigrants’ human rights such as the right of life, of dignity and of freedom, and ethnic minorities are subject to ever fiercer discrimination and violence, just to name a few.


Numerous facts have and are still telling us that the US is responsible for a series of humanitarian disasters around the world. Nevertheless, it has selectively ignored its long record of atrocities and crimes regarding international human rights and has the nerve to release a so-called annual human rights report on other countries to criticize their human rights conditions on the high horse.

美国对自身积重难返的人权状况心虚不已,只能将脏水泼向别人以转移视线。近来,美方大肆炒作中国新疆存在所谓“种族灭绝”和“强迫劳动”。这完全是美方假借 “人权”之名自导自演的政治阴谋。美国前国务卿鲍威尔办公室主任威尔克森曾亲口承认,所谓新疆维吾尔族问题,只不过是美国企图从内部长期搞乱中国、遏制中国的战略阴谋。反观美国建国以来对印第安人进行大肆屠杀,使印第安人人口数量从1492年的500万锐减到20世纪初的25万。美国才是制造“种族灭绝”的凶手和侵犯人权的祸源。

Knowing its own chronic human rights problems only too well, the US has to divert attention by slinging mud on others, which explains its rampant hype-up of the made-up “genocide” and “forced labor” in China’s Xinjiang – a self-directed, self-staged political plot on its part under the cover of “human rights”. Lawrence Wilkerson, who served as former Secretary of State Colin Powell’s chief of staff, personally admitted that the so-called Uygur issue in Xinjiang is just a strategic plot devised by the US to shake up and contain China from within. One may wonder how it could be so imaginative about those crimes and atrocities, and it turns out it all came from experience – because of its massacre, the number of Indians in the US plummeted from 5 million in 1492 to 250,000 in the early 20th century. The US is the true makerof “genocide” and areal violator of human rights.


Uncle Sam’s dressed-up persona as the “human rights guardian” is a total joke now. Many countries calledit the “number one destroyer of global human rights cause” at the UN Human Rights Council assembly and urged it to focus on solving its own human rights disaster.


A growing number of countries have already seen through its real face under the mask carrying the “human rights” slogan. The horrific harm done by the world’s only superpower to international human rights endeavors will eventually backfire on the global hegemony that it is trying so hard to maintain.

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