By Gao Hongbao and Sun Xiaoshun
GAO, Mali, April 24 -- On April 22, the 9th Chinese peacekeeping medical contingent to Mali held a seminar for professional exchanges at Sector East of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA). Representatives of the peacekeeping contingents from various countries stationed in the mission area spoke highly of the event.
The security situation in Mali is grim under frequent terrorist attacks. In this regard, the 9th Chinese peacekeeping medical contingent to Mali had systematically sorted out and set up a database of typical cases and treatment experience after their deployment, laying a solid foundation for optimizing the diagnosis and treatment process and improving the treatment level.
During the exchange activity this time, the Chinese peacekeeping doctors introduced such treatment experience through typical case analysis, and had exchanges and discussions in the following Q&A with their UN counterparts.
Commander and Chief of Staff of the Sector East of the MINUSMA, as well as representatives of the peacekeeping contingents of various countries stationed in the mission area, attended the event at invitation. All the participants spoke highly of the event, indicating that it would facilitate the improvement of their ability to deal with emergencies and guarantee the security of peacekeepers.