NATO's military exercise at Baltic Sea escalates regional turmoil


China Military Online
Li Jiayao
2022-06-27 18:31:44


By Ji Cheng


NATO’s annual military exercise, the 13-day-long BALTOPS 2022 involving 14 NATO members including the US, Britain, France, Germany and Turkey, and the two partners Sweden and Finland, wrapped up on June 17. Analysts said the exercise, as one of the largest held by NATO in north Europe, may further escalate regional turmoil for its sensitive location and strong combat implications.


It is learned more than 7,000 soldiers from the army, navy, air force and marines participated in the exercise, along with about 45 ships and more than 70 warplanes. The subjects exercised included amphibious operation, anti-submarine operation, air defense, mine clearing, and rescue on the battlefield.


The choice of Gotland Island as the key zone for the exercise also spoke volumes. Sitting in the center of the Baltic Sea, the island, the largest in the sea area, is a strategic maritime pivot that, in the east direction, commands the sea route to St. Petersburg and, to the south, keeps an eye on Russia’s Baltic Fleet in Kaliningrad. Once Sweden and Finland become official members of NATO, the route between St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad would be at stake, and so would the strategic equilibrium in the Baltic region.


Holding such a massive military exercise at a moment when the Russia-Ukraine situation remained unclear and complicated, the US-led NATO obviously had more birds to kill than distracting Russia on the military level and deterring its military presence in the region.

首先,履行对瑞典和芬兰既有承诺,为其提供安全保障。今年5月,瑞典和芬兰两国一改此前的不结盟政策,转而申请加入北约。瑞典首相和芬兰总统访美期间,拜登曾向其作出安全保证,此次演习被视为美国履行承诺的具体实践 。而作为演习东道国的瑞典,亦将此次军演看作向北约深度靠拢的良机,并希望借此打造自身维护地区安全的“参与者”和“贡献者”的形象。

For one thing, NATO was honoring its commitment to providing a security guarantee for Sweden and Finland. The two countries, going back on their non-alignment policy, applied to join the group in May this year. When Sweden’s Prime Minister and Finnish President visited the US, Biden promised them a security guarantee, of which the latest exercise was obviously a concrete step toward fulfillment. Sweden, as the host country of the exercise, also took BALTOPS 2022 as an opportunity to tighten its relations with NATO and paint itself as a participant in and contributor to safeguarding regional security.


For another, NATO was trying to ramp up the morale and warm up for the final admission of Sweden and Finland. Before the exercise kicked off, the USS Kearsarge amphibious assault ship carrying the MV-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft and AH-1 Cobra armored helicopter sailed into the Port of Stockholm for the first time, and a press conference for American and Swedish senior defense officials was held on its deck, showing America’s determination to back Sweden in its application to become a NATO member. It also aimed to placate Turkey and secure its nod to accept the two new entrants.


At last, NATO, using the overspill effects of the exercise, wanted to pull more regional countries into the anti-Russia “net” carefully woven by the West and further squeeze Russia’s strategic space on multiple dimensions. It is reported that two days after the exercise began, Camille Grand, Assistant Secretary General for Defence Investment at NATO, stated that with Sweden and Finland joining the organization, NATO won’t give Russia its word not to deploy nuclear weapons in the two countries. NATO’s constant military exercises and remarks of nuclear threats will only flame up the military risks in the region.


Moscow was quick and tough in responding to NATO’s highly targeted, large-scale exercise. Media reported that Russia’s Baltic Fleet also held a massive exercise in the Baltic Sea recently, along with a land exercise around Kaliningrad. If NATO insists on continuing with its unilateral actions to aggravate the conflicts between Russia and Europe, it will leave Moscow no choice but to respond with greater intensity. At that time, the regional situation will only get worse.


(The author is from the PLA Academy of Military Sciences)

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