'Western echo chamber' will not bring peace to Ukraine

China Daily
Li Jiayao
2024-07-02 22:27:57


By Yi Xin 

On June 16, the Ukraine Peace Summit concluded without any significant achievements, leaving behind a trail of disappointment. Despite a diverse array of nations in attendance, including several from the Global South, their presence was the only thing that mattered, and their voice was never heeded. The summit was dominated by a single peace proposal, which, without the involvement of both parties to the conflict, lacked the foundation for genuine advancement.

Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer's critique of the summit as a "Western echo chamber" accurately captured the divisive atmosphere that prevailed. Even the host nation, Switzerland, admitted that not a single paragraph of the communique could be put into action without Russia's cooperation.

Ironically, some critics have attributed the summit's lack of progress to China's absence, suggesting it implies tacit support for Russia. However, to judge a country's intention solely on its attendance at a single summit is ill-informed, if not ill-intentioned.

Contrary to accusations of inaction, China has consistently advocated for peace in the Ukraine crisis. From the outset, China has articulated a comprehensive approach, outlining "four points" of necessary actions, "four things" the international community must collaboratively address, and "three observations" on the crisis' dynamics. China has also unveiled its Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis, expounding on the role China would play to solve this crisis. Furthermore, Li Hui, special representative of the Chinese Government on Eurasian Affairs, has actively engaged in three rounds of shuttle diplomacy.

Recently, China and Brazil jointly issued a six-point consensus on the political settlement of the crisis, underscoring dialogue and negotiation as "the only viable way out of the Ukraine crisis." The six-point consensus has received global attention and applause. TV Rede Bandeirantes, Brazil's second-largest media outlet, commented that the consensus echoes the collective desire of the Global South to promote peaceful resolution rather than confrontation. Nicaragua expressed its full support through the release of a government communique and a statement from the National Assembly.

Although China did not attend the peace summit, it has maintained close communication with Switzerland, Ukraine and other parties on matters of importance to the summit, and consistently encouraged equal participation and fair discussion of all proposals for peace. Such a diplomatic approach is well-recognized by the countries concerned. Acknowledging China's support for the summit, Federal Councillor for Foreign Affairs of Switzerland Ignazio Cassis noted that China had "really helped give us a hand on this journey", and welcomed the possibility of parallel peace proceedings involving China and other states not coming to the summit.

Western countries have accused China of prolonging the war, allegedly supplying Russia with military equipment and offsetting the effects of international sanctions. However, facts tell a different story. China has not provided arms to either side of the conflict and implemented stringent control on the export of dual-use items, including drones. In contrast, it is the US' Abrams and German Leopard tanks that are seen traversing the muddy roads of Ukraine, bringing sorrow to many families.

Regarding China's trade with Russia, both nations are sovereign states with the right to make independent decisions, including conducting normal trade relations with each other.

What critics in the West often overlook, either intentionally or inadvertently, is that more than 140 countries have chosen not to participate in sanctions against Russia. These nations constitute the vast majority of the global community. Major emerging economies such as India and Saudi Arabia are all strengthening economic ties and expanding trade with Russia. The European Union remains the second-largest importer of Russian energy and the largest importer of Russian LNG.

Adding to the irony, a substantial portion — 67 percent — of the foreign components found in Russian missiles and drones originate from the US. Furthermore, the US itself has been reported to purchase Russian oil through a process known as "oil laundering".

What the world urgently needs now is peace, not chaos or blame-shifting. Erecting artificial barriers to full and equal participation in the peace process and disparaging those nations tirelessly seeking to end hostilities will only perpetuate the conflict and serve no one's interests.

To resolve this crisis, it is crucial to clear the fog of disinformation and concentrate on constructive proposals for peace. Engaging in comprehensive dialogue, ensuring equitable participation, and recognizing the peace efforts of all nations are essential steps toward resolution.

As rivers from every corner flow into the ocean, so too can the paths to peace converge when nations come together. With unity and a shared global commitment, the day of peace will surely arrive.

The author is an international affairs observer based in Beijing.

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