The United States tries to politicize, weaponize and even idealize economic affairs, and even normal commodity trade is measured by whether it conforms to American values, said Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Monday.
He made the remarks during his visit to Fiji, commenting to the recent Indo-Pacific Economic Framework proposed by the U.S.
"The framework claims to create a new order of freedom, openness and inclusiveness, but how can an economic framework be free without lowering tariffs? Without market access, how can we talk about opening-up?" Wang questioned.
"If we deliberately exclude China, the largest market in the region and even the world, how can we talk about inclusiveness?"
The Chinese foreign minister pointed out that the U.S. is trying to frame other countries with its own standards and rules. It is trying to start a new business outside the multilateral trading system with the World Trade Organization as its cornerstone, he said.
"Such practices run counter to basic economic laws, shackle the free market, and run counter to the trend of economic globalization featuring mutual benefit and complementarity," he added.